Worship Arts
Worship Albums
RCHP has recorded two worship albums: You Are Love (2013) and You Are Hope (2018). Please sample some of the original compositions from these albums, and consider purchasing a CD or digital copy of either album, to support the music ministry of the church. Contact the church office to purchase a copy.
Vacation Bible School
For nearly 10 years, our Pastor of Worship Amos Caley has written and taught original musicals for Vacation Bible School. The original music and scripts are memorable for children and families alike, carrying with them messages of hope, healing, forgiveness, and inclusion. Please enjoy listening to the soundtracks of the most recent musicals here.
Virtual Advent Calendar
During the Season of Advent in 2020, we found new and creative ways to remain connected and bless one another, even while feeling the isolation of the public health emergency. From November 29 to December 25, a new Advent Blessing was released for our RCHP family to open and enjoy. Please continue enjoying these special blessings through this archive of those calendar submissions.
Easter Labyrinth
One of the beloved traditions at RCHP is the Easter Labyrinth, in which local artists, young and old, create original art around our Lenten Theme. This year’s Easter Labyrinth, due to public health concerns, was held exclusively online. Please browse the beautiful art installations created during Holy Week of 2020 around the theme of “Repair: a Lenten Journey.”

RETREAT: Jesus retreats to quiet his mind and prepare his heart to fully engage into the brokenness of this world. (Patrick Beckford)

RETREAT: Jesus retreats to quiet his mind and prepare his heart to fully engage into the brokenness of this world. (Mikako Fujiwara)

REBUILD: Jesus is repairing the way people connect with one another. Think about relationships we’ve built, we need to rebuild, and we need to let go. (Lucille Adelmann)

RESHAPE: Jesus’ life is a reshaping of the law and of how people connect with God. His parables helped listeners to reshape how they hear. (Carol Turner)

RESHAPE: Jesus’ life is a reshaping of the law and of how people connect with God. His parables helped listeners to reshape how they hear. (Ember Arp)

RESET: In time of fear, Peter reset his focus on Jesus. Revisit a wound or fear in your life with the knowledge of Christ’s presence/God’s love to reset your focus. (CLICK FOR VIDEO: Becca Chapman Smith)

REIMAGINE: Reimagine what you can do with God’s love flowing through you. (Cyndy Reames)

REIMAGINE: Reimagine what you can do with God’s love flowing through you. (Zainab Ejalonibu)

RETURN: Jesus has been in Jerusalem before; however, he is now returning in a new way. (Abby Carman)

RESET: In time of fear, Peter reset his focus on Jesus. Revisit a wound or fear in your life with the knowledge of Christ’s presence/God’s love to reset your focus. (Renee DiGrigoli)

RETURN: Jesus has been in Jerusalem before; however, he is now returning in a new way. (CLICK FOR VIDEO - Oscar Wolfe)

REJECT: Jesus’ behavior in the temple rejects the way religious leaders have turned a place of God into a place of injustice. (Hailen Arp)

RECOMMIT: Jesus and his disciples have already shown commitment to each other. But now that tensions are higher, Jesus recommits to the disciples, and they recommit to servant leadership. (Danielle and Rowan Willard-Kyle)

REJECT: Jesus’ behavior in the temple rejects the way religious leaders have turned a place of God into a place of injustice. (Layla Maloney-Yodlowsky)

REASSURANCE: Jesus knows his time has come. As he approaches arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus reassures his disciples that they will not be alone. (Kathryn Riss)

REASSURANCE: Jesus knows his time has come. As he approaches arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus reassures his disciples that they will not be alone. (CLICK FOR VIDEO - Cora and Sena Kaper-Dale)

REMAIN: The women remain at the cross during the crucifixion. How do we gain strength to remain in hard places and to know when not to remain? How do we remain with a friend or loved one through a difficult moment? (Lara Meier Arp)

REFLECT Reflect… Scripture does not provide a narrative for the Saturday in between Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus wasn’t fully buried; the women couldn’t fully lay him to rest because it was their day of rest. (Carrie Dirks)

REJOICE: (CLICK FOR VIDEOJenni Chapman, Nate Roslewicz, and Jillie Roslewicz)

REASSURANCE: Jesus knows his time has come. As he approaches arrest, trial, and crucifixion, Jesus reassures his disciples that they will not be alone. (Wendy Nussman)

REJOICE (Noah, Samuel, Clara, and Julia Benkendorf)

REFLECT Reflect… Scripture does not provide a narrative for the Saturday in between Jesus’ death and resurrection. Jesus wasn’t fully buried; the women couldn’t fully lay him to rest because it was their day of rest. (Ed Marsh)

REMAIN: The women remain at the cross during the crucifixion. How do we gain strength to remain in hard places and to know when not to remain? How do we remain with a friend or loved one through a difficult moment? (Richard Adelmann)

RECOMMIT: Jesus and his disciples have already shown commitment to each other. But now that tensions are higher, Jesus recommits to the disciples, and they recommit to servant leadership. (Izzy Sanchez)

REBUILD: Jesus is repairing the way people connect with one another. Think about relationships we’ve built, we need to rebuild, and we need to let go. (Children's Worship)
Virtual Choirs & Praise Teams
During the Spring and Summer of 2020, when experiencing the difficult reality of physical distancing for public health reasons, we learned new ways to sing “together,” through recording and creating collage-style videos of some of our favorite songs. Please enjoy some of these fun collaborative videos below, and visit our YouTube channel to watch all 33 virtual choir and praise team videos.