Fellowship & Fun
The community at RCHP is just that—a community.
As such, we know that “fellowship,” which is simply gathering to enjoy one another and the world around us, is central to what it means to be “the church.”
If you would like to be a part of the committee who has all the FUN, please join the Fellowship Committee, which plans and resources all of the community building events throughout the year.
Nature Hikes
The 2nd Saturday of each month, leaving from the church at 9:00am and traveling to a local trail or park.
The Table
Every Sunday at 5:30pm, we have an informal meal for anyone who likes to help prepare food communally and engage in casual conversation. Contact Natasha Benkendorf to get involved.
LitLovers Reading and Culture Group
On Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm, a group meets on Zoom to talk about media and arts, in a lightly structured format for sharing. Contact Cecilia Rowedder for more info.
Women’s Sewing Circle
On Thursdays, from 10:00am to 1:00pm, the Women’s Sewing Circle meets in the Quilt Room to create beautiful items that are incorporated into the annual bazaar.
Virtual “Drop-In”
On Thursdays, from 12:30 to 1:30pm, we host a casual Zoom meeting for anyone interested in conversation with friends. Contact Carol Perry for information on how to join.
Seasonal Events
Every few months, we host a large community event where people gather for food, games, crafts, and songs. Some of these events include:
Halloween Party
Holiday Bazaar
Advent Preparation Night
Easter Party
Mother’s Day Brunch
Father’s Day Picnic
Camping Trip
Church Softball Game
Fishing Outings
… and more!