Our Statements


What is a Faith Statement?

At the Reformed Church of Highland Park, we believe that faith is not simply an expression of belief, but is also an active response to God’s movement in the world. Therefore, there can be no singular faith statement that encapsulates the full mission and witness of the church to the ever-changing context of our shared life of faith. Listed here are a few major statements we have drafted to convey the movement of God’s Spirit in our various covenants and commitments as a church.


Mission Statement

On Being Open and Affirming for LGBTQ+ Persons

On Anti-Racist Faith

On Environmental Justice

On “Safe Sanctuaries” for Children and Youth


Faithful Historical Witnesses

We consider these statements to be faithful witnesses to God’s movement in our lives and in the world, in conversation and harmony with other historical documents of our faith, including those held to be authoritative in the Reformed Christian tradition and doctrine. We affirm the primacy of Holy Scripture among all historical documentary witnesses, revealing to us the living and active Word of God. Visit the website of the Reformed Church in America (RCA) for additional creeds and confessions of the Reformed Faith.